Post 3: My dream job


My deam job it be scientist, I dream with that since I was a child. For make real this dream, I study a lot in the school to prepare the application form to get in the university, and I got it! Finally I'm studying Biochemistry, that actually is the carreer for been a scientist into chemical level. 

But if I want make my dream real, I have to pass every course, because they're compulsory, and for the moment that is really hard to do, because pass undergraduate are so difficult, I will do my best to pass it and finish de university

About the salary? Wow, what can I say, the salary isn't the best, because in Chile they don't appreciate the science (like a lot of jobs by the way), it's around 900.000-1.200.00 CLP in three years after you finish the university, and the employability is about 72%. But I knew all the details before to applicate for biochemistry, I really enjoy the work and I can confront the issues that be scientist in Chile entiles.

The skills that I would need to learnd, are a lot, like organization, I can not imagine how is really hard to me do that, but well, I have 5 years for learn.
