Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme


Well, this a very sensitive theme, because all the people dream to stay in the University, especially in the best university in this country. But the reality is completely diffrent than we think about.

In my experience, If I could, I  would change a lot of things, like the teachers or subjects. I have only been here for almost one year and my life changed in many different ways. 

First of all, the University brought me feelings that I haven't been expected, In the Beginning it felt so well, but then, when the days pass on, the tests make me feel like an idiot, actually I still feel that way, but now I know that the problem is the deparment of Inorganic Chemestry. Pedro Aguirre is a very bad teacher who doesn't teach the contents which are in the test, and then the rest of the department wants you to fail the subject, making the test more difficult than everyone expected. And this is just ONE problem

The second one is there not enought classrooms for everyone, we are to many students for a few classroom, so the teachers always change the location of the class. Also they don't have air conditioner, as a result the heat inside is unbearable. 

At least for now I think the curriculum is good, this is because the Univeristy was the first in the world to give the career of Biochemestry. The curriculum was created by the experience. 

I can be all the day saying things that I would like to change, but I will never end the post. So goodbye and see you next time!
